Trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for organizations to work. - Warren Bennis 1 Share Now -
Leaders must encourage their organizations to dance to forms of music yet to be heard. - Warren Bennis 2 Share Now -
Learning in a face-to-face human community, as humans have evolved to do over hundreds of thousands of years, may always be the ideal - especially in an endeavor that is as relationship-driven as business. - Warren Bennis 3 Share Now -
The primary goal of management education was, as originally conceived, to impart knowledge that could be applied to a variety of real-world business situations. - Warren Bennis 4 Share Now -
I've become more and more aware of the promise and struggle to teach the global mind nowadays because I use every chance I get to ask faculty and administrators of management education programs why we don't offer at least one course - not even required, just an elective - on the world's religions. - Warren Bennis 5 Share Now -
Excellence is a better teacher than mediocrity. The lessons of the ordinary are everywhere. Truly profound and original insights are to be found only in studying the exemplary. - Warren Bennis 6 Share Now -
How can we educators claim credit for understanding, let alone teaching, the 'global mind' without a single course on the impact of religion on every day life? - Warren Bennis 7 Share Now -
Trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for organizations to work. - Warren Bennis 8 Share Now -
Great things are accomplished by talented people who believe they will accomplish them. - Warren Bennis 9 Share Now -
Leadership has become a heavy industry. Concern and interest about leadership development is no longer an American phenomenon. It is truly global. Though I will probably be in less demand, I wanted to move on. - Warren Bennis 10 Share Now -