In age of consumerism and materialism, I traffic in blue sky and colored air. - James Turrell 1 Share Now -
We're made for the light of a cave and for twilight. Twilight is the time we see best. When we dim the light down, and the pupil opens, feeling comes out of the eye like touch. Then you really can feel colour, and experience it. - James Turrell 2 Share Now -
You can't stop demographics. And show me a fence that ever worked. It didn't work at Hadrian's Wall. The Great Wall of China didn't work. The Berlin Wall. - James Turrell 3 Share Now -
You can't stop demographics. And show me a fence that ever worked. It didn't work at Hadrian's Wall. The Great Wall of China didn't work. The Berlin Wall. - James Turrell 4 Share Now -
I've always been interested in arrival, and coming to a space, and even to looking back at where you were. - James Turrell 5 Share Now -
We have spent billions to go to the moon - we go to this lesser satellite called the moon and say we are in space, but we are in space right now; we just don't feel ourselves to be in space. Some forms of art and some forms of spirituality do give us that sense. - James Turrell 7 Share Now -
There's traditionally been a large disconnection in contemporary art between the audience and the artist. Generally, audiences are looking towards what they like, and I can tell you, that's the last thing on an artist's mind. - James Turrell 8 Share Now -