Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too. -Will Smith God
I think with movies I am really connecting to the Joseph Campbell idea of the collective unconscious. -Will Smith Movies
I know how to learn anything I want to learn. I absolutely know that I could learn how to fly the space shuttle because someone else knows how to fly it, and they put it in a book. Give me the book, and I do not need somebody to stand up in front of the class. -Will Smith Space
If you're not willing to work hard, let someone else do it. I'd rather be with someone who does a horrible job, but gives 110% than with someone who does a good job and gives 60%. -Will Smith Work
Money and success don't change people; they merely amplify what is already there. -Will Smith Success
I'm a student of world religion, so to me, it's hugely important to have knowledge and to understand what people are doing. -Will Smith Knowledge
I mean, I'm very serious with my kids about them comprehending the intricacies of global finance. -Will Smith Finance
Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too. -Will Smith Life
And where I excel is ridiculous, sickening, work ethic. You know, while the other guy's sleeping? I'm working. -Will Smith Work
I'm a student of world religion, so to me, it's hugely important to have knowledge and to understand what people are doing. -Will Smith Religion
Traditional education is based on facts and figures and passing tests - not on a comprehension of the material and its application to your life. -Will Smith Education