My dad worked for different companies that made whiskey for a long time, so we were definitely whiskey drinkers. Growing up, my friends would get toy cars, and I would get swag from whisky companies. -Mike Krieger Dad
Software is like gardening - one day I'll go behind the shed and clean up. But if nobody ever goes there, does it matter a lot? -Mike Krieger Gardening
My dad worked for different companies that made whiskey for a long time, so we were definitely whiskey drinkers. Growing up, my friends would get toy cars, and I would get swag from whisky companies. -Mike Krieger Car
Empathy is key in the design process, especially when you start expanding outside of your comfort zone to new languages, cultures, and age groups. If you try to assume what those people want, you're likely to get it wrong. -Mike Krieger Age