All I can think is that the owners of Chick-Fil-A have decided they have had enough, that they're just going to focus on selling chicken sandwiches to as many people as they can, and they figure that keeping their views about marriage to themselves is better than having a bunch of angry activists on your doorstep. -Mike Gallagher Marriage
Michael Savage turns on a microphone and broadcasts his opinions to faithful followers who enjoy listening to his views on politics, social issues, and anything else that this colorful, provocative, entertaining guy comes up with. It doesn't matter which of his views I agree or disagree with. -Mike Gallagher Politics
School systems now routinely have more administrators than classroom teachers. They have armies of counselors and therapists and nutritionists and 'multi-cultural learning facilitators.' -Mike Gallagher Learning
It's awkward to tell others that your spouse has died. Everyone becomes so sad and sorry, and you just hate like heck to have to break the news to someone who hasn't heard the news. -Mike Gallagher Sad
Education means teaching kids how to do stuff and how to think about stuff. Education is a pretty simple concept with a very clear way to measure results: you give some kind of an exam - maybe it's one of those standardized tests all kids hate, maybe it's some kind of essay, but whatever it is, it'll measure the results, and the kids will hate it. -Mike Gallagher Education
The failure to readily identify the battle between good and evil is a nagging, ongoing, dangerous pattern that shows no sign of easing up any time soon. -Mike Gallagher Failure
When school officials want to get a teacher out of the classroom, they have to go through an arduous and multi-year process involving hearings and appeals and lawyers and more hearings. All the while, the teacher draws full pay. -Mike Gallagher Teacher
There is simply no defending the preferred mode of travel for many of the celebrity crazies who lecture us about carbon credits. Do you think these folks are willing to give up their mansions and private jets in order to 'save the planet?' -Mike Gallagher Travel