If you are able to see the interrelatedness of mind and body, sensitivity towards your body becomes much sharper. Therefore, maintaining of good health also becomes easier. -Lobsang Tenzin Health
Bodily discomfort and emotional fear and attachment make the dying uncomfortable and fearful. So, to help those dying people, I think modern medical science has a lot of facilities to reduce pain, or perhaps not to reduce pain, but not to experience pain. -Lobsang Tenzin Medical
Training and education is one and the same: that is, to train the mind through a discipline in order to awake the inner intelligence of the individuals. -Lobsang Tenzin Intelligence
A compassionate mind is very difficult to cultivate because compassion demands a sense of equality between all living beings. -Lobsang Tenzin Equality
Dying peacefully means to avoid any immediate cause for anger, fear, or strong desire. -Lobsang Tenzin Anger
Communication will bring understanding and understanding will cause harmonious mutual relationships which can establish peace and stability. -Lobsang Tenzin Peace