People need to know that they have all the tools within themselves. Self-awareness, which means awareness of their body, awareness of their mental space, awareness of their relationships - not only with each other, but with life and the ecosystem. -Deepak Chopra Space
Self-awareness is not just relaxation and not just meditation. It must combine relaxation with activity and dynamism. Technology can aid that. -Deepak Chopra Technology
If you want to do really important things in life and big things in life, you can't do anything by yourself. And your best teams are your friends and your siblings. -Deepak Chopra Best
You can't make positive choices for the rest of your life without an environment that makes those choices easy, natural, and enjoyable. -Deepak Chopra Positive
Life gives you plenty of time to do whatever you want to do if you stay in the present moment. -Deepak Chopra Time
Enlightened leadership is spiritual if we understand spirituality not as some kind of religious dogma or ideology but as the domain of awareness where we experience values like truth, goodness, beauty, love and compassion, and also intuition, creativity, insight and focused attention. -Deepak Chopra Leadership
Traditional science assumes, for the most part, that an objective observer independent reality exists; the universe, stars, galaxies, sun, moon and earth would still be there if no one was looking. -Deepak Chopra Science
In my definition of consciousness, consciousness is the same thing as life. What wisdom traditions also call spirit. -Deepak Chopra Wisdom
I, of course, meditate for two hours every morning. It's part of my schedule; I wake up at 4 a.m. every day and I love it. -Deepak Chopra Morning
New Age values are conscious evolution, a non-sectarian society, a non-military culture, global sharing, healing the environment, sustainable economies, self-determination, social justice, economic empowerment of the poor, love, compassion in action, going beyond religious fundamentalism, going beyond nationalism-extreme nationalism, culture. -Deepak Chopra Age
I think we need the feminine qualities of leadership, which include attention to aesthetics and the environment, nurturing, affection, intuition and the qualities that make people feel safe and cared for. -Deepak Chopra Leadership
Consciousness, rather than being an epiphenomenon of matter, is actually the source of matter. It differentiates into space time, energy, information, and matter. Even though this view is an ancient view, an ancient world view, it is now finding some resonance amongst a few scientists. -Deepak Chopra Space
For thousands of years, human beings have been obsessed with beauty, truth, love, honor, altruism, courage, social relationships, art, and God. They all go together as subjective experiences, and it's a straw man to set God up as the delusion. If he is, then so is truth itself or beauty itself. -Deepak Chopra Beauty
Karma is experience, and experience creates memory, and memory creates imagination and desire, and desire creates karma again. If I buy a cup of coffee, that's karma. I now have that memory that might give me the potential desire for having cappuccino, and I walk into Starbucks, and there's karma all over again. -Deepak Chopra Imagination
I feel genius in great works of art. I have seen medical cures that science can't explain, some seemingly triggered by faith. The same is true of millions of other people. -Deepak Chopra Medical
Your conscious brain cannot multitask. If I'm speaking to you and checking my I-Phone at the same time, I'm doing neither. This is why our society is frazzled; this misconception that we can consciously do more than one thing at a time effectively. -Deepak Chopra Society
We're living in a time when the world has suddenly discovered India because it's run out of raw material for its imagination. The raw materials for imagination are inexhaustible here. -Deepak Chopra Imagination
There are receptors to these molecules in your immune system, in your gut and in your heart. So when you say, 'I have a gut feeling' or 'my heart is sad' or 'I am bursting with joy,' you're not speaking metaphorically. You're speaking literally. -Deepak Chopra Sad
I went to medical school because I wanted to ask the big questions. Do we have a soul? Does God exist? What happens after death? -Deepak Chopra Medical